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who is emvu?

emily vu {emvu} is 24 and based in san francisco.

currently, she is a product manager at Splice, building all things search & personalization 🔍. previously, she was a product manager at Spotify, working on ML tools for podcast experiences 🤖, building digital mixtapes 💿, and designing Spotify-themed resumes.

in her free time, she enjoys DJing, making vietnamese egg coffee, and sunbathing in the golden gate park.


portfolio – my 9-5 work 💻

gallery – my creative work 🪞

soundcloud – my mixes 🎧

substack – my thoughts 🐈


books – what i’m reading 💫

films – what i’m watching 🪐

albums – what i’m listening to 🪩

places – where i’m traveling 🌍
